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5 Live Arjun Tree Plants , Arjuna Plant, Terminalia Arjuna Plant, With Phytosanitary certificate

5 Live Arjun Tree Plants , Arjuna Plant, Terminalia Arjuna Plant, With Phytosanitary certificate

Regular price £100.00
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Arjuna Plant

T. arjuna grows to about 20–25 metres tall; usually has aT. arjuna grows to about 20–25 metres tall; usually has a buttressed trunk, and forms a wide canopy at the crown, from which branches drop downwards. It has oblong, conical leaves which are green on the top and brown below; smooth, grey bark; it has pale yellow flowers which appear between March and June; its glabrous, 2.5 to 5 cm fibrous woody fruit, divided into five wings, appears between September and Novembe trunk, and forms a wide canopy at the crown, from which branches drop downwards. It has oblong, conical leaves which are green on the top and brown below; smooth, grey bark; it has pale yellow flowers which appear between March and June; its glabrous, 2.5 to 5 cm fibrous woody fruit, divided into five wings, appears between September and Novembe


Arjun Tree, Arjuna Plant, Terminalia Arjuna Plant, With Phytosanitary certificate

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